Sunday 1 May 2011

Cold Water Laundry - The new Black

Households do around 400 loads of laundry each year, that consumes about 13,500 gallons (51,103 Litres) of water.  So a simple change to your laundry habits could save you up to $100 per year.

Did you know that 90% of the energy used for washing clothes is from heating the water ? This means that 10% of your electricity used is electricity to run the motor.

Using warm water instead of hot water for a load of washing will save you about 250 pounds of carbon dioxide. If you use cold water you will save even more.

Modern day detergents clean as efficiently in cold water as in hot. So when doing the washing press the cold button on your washing machine and do your wallet and the environment a favor.

On top of this hot water does not clean clothes better, Hot water is also tougher on clothes, which will cause them to wear and therefore tear faster. Not only this but it effects the pigments in clothing causing them to fade colors quicker. So not only do you save on energy, but you save on having to buy new clothes!!

Monday 25 April 2011

See the light - With Compact Fluorescent Globes.

Today's post will cover moving from incandescent globes to compact fluorescent light bulbs. The a following post will cover then making the move to LED so keep posted.

The typical household has 46 light bulbs according to the Department of Energy, but only 5 of them are energy-efficient compact fluorescent. Incandescent lights make 90% heat and only 10% for light meaning that most of the energy used is not used for light generation but heat.  A change of your light globes to CFL or LED can have a large impact on green house gases and your money.

CFL have a higher percentage on converting electricity to light, around 20%. Energy efficient compact fluorescent also produce more light per watt, around 60-70 lumins per Watt, whereas incandescent bulbs convert only 10-15 lumins.

But wait a minute CFL cost about 3 to 10 times more that an equivalent incandescent lamp I hear you say. Well a standard CFL will last for around 6000 to 15000 operating hours. Where a standard bulb will last for 750 to 1000 operating hours.  Meaning for every one CFL this equals about 15 standard incandescent bulbs. So there is definitely money to be save by using CFL's. This means after 6 months they will pay for themselves. Also the power saved means it can save you up to 12% of your utility bills.

So energy efficient light bulbs provide plenty of advantages to both your pocket and your environment. There are many government initiatives to help you make the switch for cheaper also. So save the planet and save your money :)

Tuesday 19 April 2011

WeatherStripping - Stop the drafts

Keep your heat inside this winter by finding and plugging up those leaks. You can do this by using a candle. Look at the candles movements to help you detect leaks. Another method is by carefully holding an incense stick up to each frame and watch the smoke to see if there is a leak. (Be sure to remove all curtains and drapes first to avoid a fire.)

Once you detect a leak, mark it with a pencil and continue looking for heats leakages in your house.

Once you have detected your leaks use caulking or weatherstripping to seal the cracks.There are many youtube clips to help you with how to do this effectively.

Use caulking or weather-stripping around window sashes and exterior doors, too, as well as around foundation cracks, pipe outlets and other places where air can escape.

For door drafts, place an old-fashioned draft dodger or draft-blocker along the bottom saddle.

Finally be sure your heating thermostat is not affected by drafts that might give an incorrect reading.

Saturday 16 April 2011

Insulation - a big piece in your green puzzle

Insulation is the single most energy-efficient addition you can make to your home. Insulation provides a barrier to heat flowing in and out of your home and is essential to keeping your home warm in winter and cool in summer.

What what Types are there?

There are two main types of ceiling insulation – bulk insulation and reflective insulation. They are made of different substances which will be covered in the next post.

Bulk insulation resists the transfer of heat by trapping pockets of air within its structure. Different materials will provide different insulation properties. They also come in different thickness which is referred to as an R number. Its thermal resistance is essentially the same regardless of the direction of heat flow through it.

Reflective insulation works by reflecting heat from its surface usually shiny aluminium foil laminated onto paper or plastic. The total R-values for reflective insulation are supplied as ‘up and down’ values. Total values depend on where and how the reflective insulation is installed. It’s important to check that the values provided by the manufacturer relate to your particular installation situation.

Selecting the appropriate level and type of insulation for your house will depend on the climatic conditions and must account for seasonal as well as daily variations in temperature. Establish whether the insulation will be predominantly needed to keep heat out or in (or both).

How much will I save?

This is very much dependent on how much you put in and how what material you use.

In the heating season, insulation reduces both your electric bill and your fuel bill. If you have an all-electric home, your really need the maximum recommended amount of insulation just to keep the electric bill smaller than your mortgage payment. 

The flow of heat is slowed down by insulation. That reduces the amount of heat needed per month from your fuel. It also cuts the electric bill by reducing the running time on your furnace blower or hot water circulation pump.

Spring and fall are the best times of the year to do the work when it is not too hot or too cold. As the seasons change, your work will start paying off immediately. You can plan the job and learn exactly what to do any time of year.


Insulation is one of the most cost effective ways to help with reducing your cooling and heating bills. However it is generally used in the roof cavity of your house. So its only one part of total solution required to reduce your bill. If you don't have insulation or your unsure about what is up there. I would suggest to take a peak and see if it requires a top up or to be replaced to ensure that your heating and cooling bills are reduced.


Welcome to the site Going Green and Saving Money. 

The aim of this blog is to explore ways in which a household can not only go green to save the environment, but do it in such a manner that will save your money too. 

We will discuss things such as technological advances and the expected return on your investment such as Solar Power, Wind Power and any other source of possible Home Power Generation. 

We will also explore different ways that you will also be able to conserve power and resources through recycling techniques and tips, technological devices which will help show where you can conserve power in novel and exciting ways.

I look forward to sharing different things that I have picked up over the last few years which have saved myself money and hopefully will inspire you to go green and more importantly save money at the same time.